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June 20, 2004



oooh, thank you!
I've been thinking for sometime that I need Nigella (or do I just need to *be* her?)
I saw Nigel Slater's book in the book shop the other day, but put it back thinking 'I really don't need another book about cooking.' Might have to rethink that now!
I'm a fan of Jill's, too. I have New Food (what a great wedding present that was!) but have not got Old, Simple or Very Simple.
I've never done Bill, but should consider it. My sister in-law is a fabulous cook (she makes everything look so easy and taste so great) and loves him to bits.
Your mother's pre-loved book sounds like a treasure. How wonderful if one day you are able to pass it on to the next generation, should Max or Lola are that way inclined in the future :)

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