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June 05, 2004



Robin rocks!
Have not tried this recipe. Lots of satisfaction for little helpers when making pizza, and the simplicity of Robin's recipes is perfect. I always use her muffin recipe (with my own variations).

Interesting trivia: I did a Google search on the words children, kids, food and blog, and I didn't find a food blog devoted to kids. A niche for you, perhaps? Food with Max & Lola? Max & Lola Eat? No Tomatoes for Lola? :)


lucinda...you evil woman. now you have sown the seeds for the idea of YET ANOTHER blog in my head. surely it would be the height of craziness to start another blog (making it 3, count them, 3!! blogs to keep going)...also, who could guarantee that potential readers would not die of boredom as they read about max having chicken, broccoli, rice and cherry tomatoes for dinner AGAIN???? : )
but having said that...could be fun.....


we made this last sunday night: fun, convenient, quick, tasty, healthy. What more could you ask for?? Thanks for the idea!

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